In the fall of 2020 on the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica’s ground, the international violin competition Prime Violin was established. Its founders were Kateryna Popovych and Peter Strenáčik. The competition is focused on the presentation of cultural and artistic values, international interpretative confrontation and the national musical heritage representation . Experiences from the previous years of the competition confirmed the success of the project involving almost 150 active participants from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Austria and India. Young violinists documented a great interest in presenting their artistic qualities and increasing violin education level at all artistic education levels. The target group of this project are young and talented violinists, students of primary art schools, conservatories, universities, as well as professional violinists over the age of 25 from Slovakia and abroad. The artistic performances are evaluated by an expert commission – prominent violin virtuosos and renowned educators from home and abroad.


Kollárová 22
974 01
Banská Bystrica

e-mail: info@primeviolin.sk